Conscience and Complexity Symposium

Gilman 50

Free to the public, but RSVP recommended. Email Nan Z. Da ([email protected]) to RSVP. Friday, May 38:30-9am: Breakfast Buffet and Coffee (for 35 people in hallway outside Gilman 50)9:00-9:45am: Nan Da, Introduction, "Conscience and Complexity"9:45-10:45am: Frances Ferguson, KEYNOTE, "Bets, Blame, and the Rationale of Reward"10:45-11:15am: Coffee Break (for 35 people in hallway outside Gilman 50)11:15-12:15pm: […]

ELH Speaker Series – Sarah Blair, University of Michigan

The English Department’s ELH Speaker Series presents a talk entitled, "Portrait v. Landscape: Visual Genres, Anti-Racism, and the Life of the Photograph," by Sarah Blair, University of Michigan, on October 3rd at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D . Access to a password-protected copy of the pre-circulated paper will be available by contacting Christeen […]

Lecture – Peli Grietzer

Professor Nan Z. Da present a talk by Peli Grietzer. The talk is entitled, "Poetry, Knowledge, and Computation," and will be given on Wednesday, October 16 at 2:00 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D.

ELH Speaker Series – Penelope Geng, Macalester College

The English Department’s ELH Speaker Series presents a talk entitled, "Cripping Citizenship: Ablenationalism and the Racialized Privilege of Refusal in Timon of Athens," by Penelope Geng, Macalester College, on November 7th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D . Access to a password-protected copy of the pre-circulated paper will be available by contacting Christeen […]

Fearless Speech: Radical Truth-Telling in the Auto/biography of John Swanson Jacobs

Talk description: For one hundred and sixty-nine years, a first-person slave narrative written by John Swanson Jacobs—brother of Harriet Jacobs—was buried in a pile of newspapers in Australia. Jacobs’s long-lost narrative, The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots, is a startling and revolutionary discovery. A document like this—written by an ex-slave and ex-American, in […]

Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series – Peter Brooks

The English Department’s Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series presents a talk by Peter Brooks, Yale University. The talk is entitled, "Of Operas and Tiaras: Henry James's American Scene," and will be given on Thursday, February 6th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D. Small reception to follow.

Greg Barnhisel, Duquesne University

This is a talk by Greg Barnhisel, Duquesne University. The talk is entitled, "The Last Puritan: Norman Holmes Pearson in the American Century," and will be given on Thursday, February 13th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D. Speaker invited by faculty member Professor Douglas Mao - not part of the T&S Lecture or […]

Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series – Jeff Dolven

The English Department’s Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series presents a talk by Jeff Dolven, Princeton University. The talk is entitled, "The Binding Problem," and will be given on Thursday, February 27th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D. Small reception to follow.

Robert Higney, The City College of New York (CUNY)

Part of our prospective student visiting day for those accepted to our PhD program. JHU-English PhD Alum Robert Higney will give a talk titled "Stuart Hall, Modernism, and the Many Lives of Close Reading" on Wednesday, March 5th at 4:15pm in Gilman 130D.