Explore the Department

2 students walking on campus


Students working toward a PhD receive focused attention in our small and rigorous department.

students in English class


English majors study a broad sampling of literature from different historical periods and national contexts.

Professor Larry Jackson teaching class


Our faculty's specialties range from early modern to contemporary, with particular strengths in critical theory and interdisciplinary approaches to literature.

Upcoming Events

ELH Speaker Series – Walt Hunter

The English Department’s ELH Speaker Series presents a talk entitled, "Dead Time: Waiting for Poetry," by Walt Hunter, Case Western Reserve University, on April 10th at 4:15 PM in Gilman […]

News & Announcements

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In Memoriam: Emeritus Professor Larzer Ziff

Larzer Ziff, a globally renowned scholar of American literary culture and intellectual history and an inspirational mentor, died Nov. 25. Ziff, a professor emeritus and research professor in the Department […]

In Memoriam: Emeritus Professor Ronald Paulson

William D. and Robin Mayer Professor Emeritus Ronald Paulson passed away at his home in Baltimore on August 7, 2024. You can read his full obituary here. To read about his […]