Latest Past Events

Fearless Speech: Radical Truth-Telling in the Auto/biography of John Swanson Jacobs

Talk description: For one hundred and sixty-nine years, a first-person slave narrative written by John Swanson Jacobs—brother of Harriet Jacobs—was buried in a pile of newspapers in Australia. Jacobs’s long-lost narrative, The United States Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots, is a startling and revolutionary discovery. A document like this—written by an ex-slave and ex-American, in […]

Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series – Matt Kilbane, University of Notre Dame

The English Department’s Tudor and Stuart Lecture Series presents a talk by Matt Kilbane, University of Notre Dame. The talk is entitled, "The Ends of Poetry: Community Workshops and the Institution of Writing," and will be given on Thursday, November 14th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D ..

ELH Speaker Series – Penelope Geng, Macalester College

The English Department’s ELH Speaker Series presents a talk entitled, "Cripping Citizenship: Ablenationalism and the Racialized Privilege of Refusal in Timon of Athens," by Penelope Geng, Macalester College, on November 7th at 4:15 PM in Gilman Hall Room 130D . Access to a password-protected copy of the pre-circulated paper will be available by contacting Christeen […]