Sharon Achinstein (she/her)
Sir William Osler Professor of English
Contact Information
- sachins1@jhu.edu
- Gilman 24
- 410-516-5575
Research Interests: Early modern literature, poetry, and poetics, gender
Michaela Bronstein
Research Professor
Contact Information
Research Interests: Theory of the novel, modernism, politics and the novel, literature and climate change, narrative form
Christopher Cannon
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of English and Classics
Contact Information
- Christopher.Cannon@jhu.edu
- Gilman 36
- 410-516-7837
Research Interests: Grammar and grammar-school learning, early Middle English, Chaucer, Langland, problems of literary history, language and theories of language
Johaina Katinka Crisostomo (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- johainakc@jhu.edu
- Greenhouse 117
Research Interests: Asian/Asian American literatures, Latinx/Latin American literatures, political philosophy, religion, comparative empire studies
Nan Z. Da
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Research Interests: nineteenth-century American and trans-Atlantic literature and letters, modern Chinese literature and letters, literary and social theory, the intersection of literary studies and the data sciences
Education: BA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Michigan
Drew Daniel (he/him)
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Contact Information
- drewdaniel@jhu.edu
- Gilman 30B
- 410-516-4075
Research Interests: Early modern literature, critical theory, aesthetics
Mary Favret (she/her)
Contact Information
- mfavret1@jhu.edu
- Gilman 34
- 410-516-4103
Research Interests: British Romanticism, late 18th- early 19th-century English literature, war studies, gender and genre, literature and violence
Harris Feinsod
Research Professor
Contact Information
Research Interests: Literatures of the United States, Latin America, and the Atlantic world; poetry and poetics; oceanic studies and environmental humanities; theories of history; transnational, global, and hemispheric approaches to literature and culture.
Christopher Grobe
Research Professor
Contact Information
Research Interests: Drama and dramatic literature; Performance studies; Twentieth- and twenty-first-century American cultural studies; Humanistic approaches to technology and technoculture; Performance-based theories of politics
Jared Hickman
Associate Professor
Contact Information
- jhickman@jhu.edu
- Gilman 30C
- 410-516-3843
Research Interests: American literature in Atlantic/world context; religious and secular studies; critical race studies; indigenous and settler colonial studies
Jeanne-Marie Jackson
Contact Information
- jjacks98@jhu.edu
- Gilman 30A
- 410-516-5845
Research Interests: Theory of the novel, literature and philosophy, sub-Saharan African literature, Russian realism, global regionalisms
Lawrence Jackson
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of English and History
Contact Information
- ljacks60@jhu.edu
- Gilman 26
- 410-516-1103
Research Interests: African American Literature, Literary History, Biography, American History
Douglas Mao (he/him)
Russ Family Professor in the Humanities
Contact Information
- dougmao@jhu.edu
- Gilman 32
- 410-516-7335
Research Interests: British, Irish, and U.S. poetry and fiction since 1860; global modernism; interdisciplinary study of modernism
Andrew H. Miller (he/him)
Contact Information
- ahm@jhu.edu
- Gilman 20
- 410-516-7553
Research Interests: Literature and moral philosophy; nineteenth century British literature; literary theory
Aamir R. Mufti
Ralph S. And Becky G. O’Connor Professor
Contact Information
- amufti2@jh.edu
- Gilman 14
Research Interests: 19th- and 20th-century English and Anglophone literatures; modern Urdu literature; the history and legacies of the British Empire; South Asian Studies; Middle-Eastern and Islamic Studies; modern European Jewish Studies; minorities and minoritization; religious cultures and secularism; citizenship and statelessness; exile and cosmopolitanism.
Christopher Nealon
John Dewey Professor
Contact Information
- nealon@jhu.edu
- Gilman 18
- 410-516-6046
Research Interests: American literature, the critique of political economy, poetry and poetics, intellectual history
Nadia Nurhussein
Professor, Mary Elizabeth Garrett Chair in Arts and Sciences, and Director of Graduate Studies
Contact Information
- nnurhus1@jhu.edu
- Gilman 22
- 410-516-4104
Research Interests: African American literature, late 19th- and early 20th-century American literature, Poetry and Poetics
Jesse Rosenthal
Associate Professor
Contact Information
- jrosenthal@jhu.edu
- Gilman 30E
- 410-516-5168
Research Interests: Victorian novels; theory of the novel; ethics and literature; quantitative textual analysis
Mark Christian Thompson
Krieger-Eisenhower Professor and Chair
Contact Information
- mcthompson@jhu.edu
- Gilman 16
- 410-516-6237
Research Interests: 19th- and 20th-century African-American, German, and French literature; the history and representation of race in literature and philosophy; political philosophy; aesthetics
Affiliated Faculty
Gabrielle Dean
Adjunct Professor, William Kurrelmeyer Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts
Contact Information
- gnodean@jhu.edu
- 667-208-6715
professors emeriti
Larzer Ziff
Caroline Donovan Professor of English Emeritus
Research Professor
Contact Information
Dominique Dureau
Senior Academic Program Coordinator
Contact Information
- ddureau1@jhu.edu
- Gilman 3
- 410-516-4311
Christeen Vilbrun-Davis
Administrative Manager
Contact Information
- cvilbru1@jh.edu
- Gilman 30D
- 410-516-4313